Creating model to analyse historical press (Structure, hierarchy, lecture order...). Transformers based model. Document Analysis Pattern Recognition Deep Learning
Part of the IntuiDoc research team (recently renamed ShaDoc), specialist in Document Analysis (Handwritten text, Gestures, Draws...). Document Analysis Pattern Recognition Machine Learning
Teaching Object-Oriented Programming (Java) during my PhD. Co-supervised three end-to-end 1-year student projects.
Internship, start the study on gesture recognition. Deep Learning Tensorflow
Graph Algorithms Genetic Algorithm Web Interface
Java Development Software Architecture
Design patterns Software Engineering
Title: "Convolutional Spatio-Temporal Neural Networks for Early Analysis and Recognition of Actions and Gestures"
Supervisors: Eric Anquetil, Richard Kulpa
Handwritten Gesture Recognition Deep Learning
Master 2 of Computer Science. Specialities oriented on Machine Learning and Data. Machine Learning Computer Vision Data Analysis
Engineering Curriculum at INSA Rennes. Speciality, Computer Sciences - Media Analysis and interactions specialty. Artificial Intelligence Data Analysis Image Analysis Gesture Interaction Computer Graphics Graph Theory Natural Language Processing
Computer Science courses balanced with lectures and practice.